Useful Links
Brief selection of links
Nature Detectives
Butterfly Conservation
The UK's leading woodland conservation charity. Founded in 1972, the Woodland Trust is the UK's leading woodland conservation charity and relies on the support of its many members and other supporters to continue its work. |
Keep a lookout on the park for dragonflies and damselflies, which can be such a beautiful sight. |
British Dragonfly Society
Bumblebee Conservation Trust
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales manages around 90 wildlife reserves in Wales, from Cardiff to Aberystwyth, including the island reserves of Skokholm and Skomer. Volunteers and Local Groups help them manage these, Local Groups also run a wide variety of events - see Forest Farm for their Watch group. |
Gardens & Grasshoppers
Grow Wild is supported by the Big Lottery Fund and led by Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Grow Wild inspires communities, friends, neighbours and individuals across the UK to come together to transform local spaces, by sowing, growing and enjoying native wild flowers. |
Grow Wildinspiring and colourful wildlife havens; encouraging people to care for and delight in the nature around them. |
Breathing Places
Museum of Wales
Cardiff Otter Project
Plantlife is the charity that celebrates the nation's wild plants. They work hard to protect plants on the ground and to build understanding of the vital role they play in everyone’s lives. |
Love Outdoor Play
While led by Play England, Love Outdoor Play is supported by the Free Time Consortium, this is a growing collective of local and specialist organisations working together to increase freedom to play.
Their manifesto is that having the freedom to play outdoors improves the well-being of children and their communities. |
Together, they are building a visible community to support exploration, adventure and play.
Wherever you see a Love Outdoor Play sticker or symbol, you’ll find people who welcome play and are looking out for young people. Wales doesn't seem to have a similar campaign to promote this important aspect of play. |
However, if you go HERE you can download the recent RSPB Every Child Outdoors Wales, (or from this website), which tells you why regular contact with nature has such positive impacts for children and more so in the 21st century.